Favorite thing about Cannabis: A bowl a day keeps the scaries away (:
Something interesting about me: I make a mean Barbacoa.
Favorite spot on Whidbey: Keystone Beach.
Favorite thing about Cannabis: A bowl a day keeps the scaries away (:
Something interesting about me: I make a mean Barbacoa.
Favorite spot on Whidbey: Keystone Beach.
Favorite thing about Cannabis: That stinky, stinky smell.
Something interesting about me: I once won third place at the state fair in the melons category.
Favorite spot on Whidbey: Ebey’s Landing.
Favorite thing about Cannabis: I love how cannabis helps to bring out my creative side.
Something interesting about me: I’ve sat in ayahuasca ceremonies in the Amazon with indigenous tribes.
Favorite spot on Whidbey: Greenbank farm. My puppy Lucy loves to play and run wild there.
Favorite thing about cannabis: I love how it seems to affect each person differently, but it brings us together in positivity.
Something interesting about me: My imaginary friend as a kid was a snake.
Favorite place on Whidbey Island: The bulkhead at Libbey Beach on a choppy day with some good tunes.
Favorite thing about Cannabis: The way it smells!
Something interesting about me: In high school my best friend & I won the school pickleball tournament.
Favorite spot on Whidbey: They’re all secrets!